As a Father of 3, husband, son, brother, business owner, entrepreneur, coach, partner, homework checker, clothes folder, dog walker, story teller, cook, dishwasher, bookkeeper, maid, chauffeur, movie watcher, hugger, masseuse, volunteer, vacation planner, IT person, dreamer, runner and sometimes marathoner, I am pulled in many directions. However I know the importance of being fit. Being unfit would hinder my ability to fulfill my roles, of which the most important is being a Dad and Husband!
As you know, being fit helps you create more energy so you can enjoy life. Why waste the day being tired or sick and spending the day at the doctor's and paying doctor's bills! You have a choice. Don't let others take your hard earned money by being unfit, but that is another article!
Here are some tips that can help carve out some extra time to work out;
Hire a babysitter that you trust to watch your little ones.
If you belong to a gym, take advantage of their child care services. It's less expensive than a babysitter traveling to your home. And they get to socialize with others.
If you are running, use a jogging stroller. Usually when you increase the intensity, you can reduce the time to work out.
If your kids are older, have your kids run, skate or bike along with you. You can have them be your support team that carries your water and GU.
If you have a short amount of time, break up the workout. 15-20 minutes in the morning as you get up, and 15-20 minutes in the evening will burn calories. Many people like 10 Minute Trainer!
Develop a childcare swap with other parents, where you can drop off your child as you go for a run.
If your child is at an activity, like swimming, baseball, piano or soccer, you can run around the field or block and do some pushups or pull ups by the jungle gym. Remember the Abs!
Most important, write it down in your daily planner. A planner will keep you accountable.
Create a goal, like signing up for a 5K or a marathon, and work your way back, noting all the exercises and running you need to do to prepare for the race.
Always show up. Be consistent, so people will know this is "me" time to recharge.
Share your plan with everyone involved, because if you tell them it is important, they will work with you.
Ask! If you don't ask others to help, you will not receive it. Your friends and family may have other ideas that will work with your lifestyle.
Now go out and run! Have fun! Please leave other suggestions also!